Welcome to EnlightenUp! I'm Kelly Anne.
Please join us as we explore gentle ways of
inspiring thoughts of peace through peace art.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The One You Feed


  1. Richard Nixon is remembered for being the only president to resign in order to avoid impeachment, but he did his country a great service by turning a potentially dangerous enemy into a trading partner, thus making a friend of Red China.

  2. I didn't know that... You have a good retention for history. Unfortunately for me I do not. It was always my least favorite subject in school, too. But... I actually can put what I do remember of that time, together enough to realize you're right. I believe the world's people feel as we do about war. Sad that the government is so embedded with those that want war. Yet, good that the time seems to be nearer that the people will speak out. Let's pray that it is so.

  3. The events that really soured me on war was the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with atomic weapons. The then president, Harry Truman justified bombing innocent civilians,
    men, women and children, by stating that the assault on Japan would cost 100,000 American lives. I was ashamed to be an American when I saw those poor victims. We must never let war rob us of our humanity.

  4. Kelly Anne,

    You never see promoters of peace trying to glamorize or romanticize peace the way warmongers do about war.. If war is so appealing, why must it be euphamized and sold so aggressively?
    The answer is that war is the most insane and wasteful of all human activities. The many evils, including death, permanent injury, disruption, mindless destruction, famine, poverty pestilence (the list of evils could go on almost indefinitely) cannot excuse it for any reasonable thinker.

    It is the most costly activity, both in its execution and in the re-building and healing that always follows conflicts and everyone is a victim.

  5. Kelly Anne, here is the only weblog, besides Live Journal, I will offer.


    This issue is so urgent it overshadows anything else.
